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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

FBI accused of hardball tactics in anthrax case

Looking at the envelope I have my doubts about a lone Anthrax killer, we may never know the answer now that he "committed suicide" which may have been caused by the fact that he was mentally ill rather than an admission of guilt. Even paranoid people know when they are being harassed and watched. I am sure they were not subtle at all with white vans all over the neighborhood and TV antennae hanging off of them. Bruce Ivins was he the LONE anthrax deranged scientist that lived a peaceful life in Frederick Maryland and no one noticed that he was delusional paranoid killer? if this is political science what is? I have saved some of his work that is freely available for Science and US Army site and he worked with many colleagues and published many papers, and I also have worked in labs like this and the chances of a colleague and co author not noticing "strange behavior" the likes the FBI is describing is not possible. Also other interesting work that Ivins was linked to is Vibreo Cholera and Legionairre's, the bulk of the work in the Anthrax field supposedly working on the Anthrax vaccine, which I was and still would be opposed to under all circumstances, based on my experience in immunology and biochemistry, however, other scientists have been quoted as saying that the Anthrax powder used in the "bioterrorist act" could not have been made in secret by one person at the Frederick MD. I also have my doubts as the perfect "closure" to this case. As far as I am concerned it is still unsolved, and with the sad suicide of one of the participants in a bioterrorist act already deranged and saw the Feds closing in decided to "spare" his family and co-workers --and for all we know his co-conspirators as well in this bizarre case in the annals of terrorism in the USA.