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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

USA and Donald Trump's should demand financial reparation from CHINA ASAP

Credits given to Thomas Kurek.. who just posted this with regard to punishing or demanding reparations or legal damages for the Chinese unleashing of the WUHAN VIRUS and creating a World Wide Panic about one of the weakest RNA cold flu viruses.. which China created by "toying" with the SARS COVID Virus! 

 And I quote: from Thomas Kurek, author of Economic Sovereignty  and friend: 

"The Chinese owned US debt is a trillion. Even if we cancelled it, that wouldn’t put a dent in the damage China has caused. And in cancelling it there are a host of other unsavory consequences for Americans, but even worse for the Chinese. Assets of Chinese FORNATs and conglomerates that have bought US companies in service to PLA agendas would need to be rapidly seized and frozen before they have a chance to sell. That would require very bold action by Trump. Obama created sanctions for cybersec crimes. Trump would need to build on that, rapidly, quietly, and unleash it in concert with deportations of the PLA surrogates galavanting in civies while they control major US companies and wealth. The options are limited, but if our military fails to use this to end Chinese influence operations in a fell swoop, they’ve missed a crucial opening. There are billions of chinese $ controlling major American companies; a handful are video game and movie distributors as part of the MSS and PLA agenda to influence American minds.

Making China pay for the damage they made is a complex affair, but a worthy endeavor." 

The Chinese need to be put on notice that they are being held accountable  for their actions which were reprehensible and without regard to human life. The PLA knew of the Wuhan Virus' existence and silenced a Chinese doctor, by death after he revealed via the internet internationally and to the Chinese People. Citizens of Wuhan  were allowed to have a huge Lunar Party in Wuhan "coincidentally" during the release of the Covid SARS virus and travel freely infecting the local environs of Wuhan and other areas where they traveled. This was not an accident. The PLA and Chinese Gov't routinely "culls" as in purges its population by death and other barbaric means to silence dissenters since before Tiananmen Square in 1989 as all Christians were of aware of by way of Christian missionaries and other news sources. 

BTW, if the Democratic Governors insist on killing the economy over a FLU virus history will remember it was Bernie Sanders, insane socialists and Joe Biden, senile running for 2020 who helped to heap coals of destruction on this nation, just as we remember that it was Obama who gutted our military and bio weapon defense stockpiles.  #KAG2020 #4MoreYears #DonaldTrump2020 #MikePenceVP2020.  Keeping #America #Safe while protecting the #Constitution is not mutually exclusive.