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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

John Kerry snaps about Isabel... his yacht

I couldn't help it,, when I saw that
Top News

Sen. John Kerry on Monday snapped at reporters and tried to dodge questions about his new $7 million, 76-foot yacht.

On Friday, the Boston Herald reported that the Massachusetts Democrat had berthed his yacht Isabel in Rhode Island and suggested he was seeking to avoid paying about taxes..
What? Avoid paying taxes.. now who would want to do that?. LOL
Article says Rhode Island does not charge sales taxes on yachts.. unlike Massachusetts..
I have mixed feelings about this because,, I actually agree with John Kerry, why in  the world
would anyone want to give away 70K ,, yes 70k in taxes? ....
so there ya go....not a limosine liberal afterall.. proof positive

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama use your brain McChrystal is having PTSD temporary aberation

Watching the McChrystal scandola .. generated by the Rolling Stone reporter..
maybe McChristal is suffering from extended post war or PTSD
You should not accept his resignation or buy into this media feeding frenzy
just make amends.. people have anger and aberrations and react strangely and lash out
under stress .. it is not about you Barack Obama,,
he is just responding to stress. He needs to remain there or troops and efforts will be demoralized.
For a change David Gergen and I agree.. a reprimand is Ok; other than that
remember he is a warrior under stress

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill DEBACLE continues Pelicans and Dolphins

This is totally outrageous. Two weeks ago after hearing about the oil spill--I suggested
that ANYBODY and ANYTHING be used, tires, submarines, mud, tires,,
to stop the leak,, now it turns out for some reason the exterior containment Islands to prevent the oil
from reaching the nesting areas also are not working. I just typed in the Oil absorbing
and what came back.. BOOMS designed for oil spills .. all of this is already available
Dolphins are washed up, the Pelicans are covered with oil,,
and guess what a COMMISSION to study this is appointed!!
The Corp of Engineers who were part of the Hoover Dam know how to work with huge water issues
the Navy does; the Coast Guard does; BP should just PAY for everything, obviously
their expertise is limited.. they DRILL wells. they don't contain WELLS for living
evidently someone slept through quality control
Kits, Spill Containment Berms, Spill Pallets, Spill Containment Booms, Safety Cabinets and Spill Clean-up Products

Your online source for absorbents and spill control products. Our top quality products include pads, mats, socks, booms, spill kits, spill containment berms, oil spill containment booms, storm water products, spill pallets, marine absorbents, safety cabinets, poly drums and much more.

That was just my first time hit... sigh..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great Supreme Court Decision‏

*Justices Bar Life Terms for Youths Who Haven’t Killed**By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS*WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court has ruled that teenagers may notbe locked up for life without chance of parole if they haven't killedanyone. By a 5-4 vote Monday, the court says the Constitution requires thatyoung people serving life sentences must at least be considered forrelease. The court ruled in the case of Terrance Graham, who was implicated inarmed robberies when he was 16 and 17. Graham, now 22, is in prison inFlorida, which holds more than 70 percent of juvenile defendantslocked up for life for crimes other than homicide. "The state has denied him any chance to later demonstrate that he isfit to rejoin society based solely on a nonhomicide crime that hecommitted while he was a child in the eyes of the law," JusticeAnthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion. "This the EighthAmendment does not permit." Chief Justice John Roberts agreed with Kennedy and the court's fourliberal justices about Graham. But Roberts said he does not believethe ruling should extend to all young offenders who are locked up forcrimes other than murder; he was a "no" vote on the ruling. Life sentences with no chance of parole are rare and harsh forjuveniles tried as adults and convicted of crimes less serious thankilling, although roughly three dozen states allow for the possibilityof such prison terms. Just over 100 prison inmates in the UnitedStates are serving those terms, according to data compiled byopponents of the sentences. Those inmates are in Florida and seven other states -- California,Delaware, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska and South Carolina --according to a Florida State University study. More than 2,000 otherjuveniles are serving life without parole for killing someone. Theirsentences are not affected by Monday's decision. Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissentedfrom Monday's ruling. Thomas criticized the majority for imposing "its own sense of moralityand retributive justice" on state lawmakers and voters who chose togive state judges the option of life-without-parole sentences. --

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil Spill.. where are all the engineers?

Correcting my own blog.. yes I know it was deep underwater spill
Where are all those Navy underwater engineers? This impacts the entire USA for a LONG time
why can't they deliver some junk subs and plug the hole? nuclear subs can go that far and explore the area and figure it out.. surely! Maybe the alien underwater technology can be of some use.. sigh,,this is friggin planetary emergency and ALL contingencies MUST be used and explored!
or check out the Pyramid for the
scheme about side angle venting off the main leak? I saw that on Ancient History or Nat Geo
that is amazing about the big pyramid having those V vents in there to produce Hydrogen
it could happen that way.. why can't the underwater weapons etc/ engineers adapt and employ ..and check out technology used .. where is Red Adair when we need him?

I am not an engineer and I can even project better scenarios than the one I saw on CNN where they are putting a big rigged cap on it and stand back and PRAY..
yes I do pray this will take more than sticking a finger in the dyke and hoping it holds