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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fort Hunt filled with MONKEY BUSINESS: We were just following orders

Please consider this:

now we are doing a recount for sure and I called Kathleen, the chief of our voting poll this morning to verify why this happened which I am now realizing is rampant is: 1. She and all the Election Official chiefs were INSTRUCTED by the electoral board verbally to basically "force" ALL voters to use the Optical Scanners with paper ballots.
I asked her who told her this and if there are any 'written' instructions exist on this anywhere.

We, all the election officers where completely taken off guard.. and the fact
that paper ballots were offered, "the instructions were to offer ONLY paper ballots" and DO NOT offer the touch screen balloting" UNLESS the voter asked for it.. and insisted on it; which by the way happened all day long.

List of reasons why:
  1. The state was phasing out the machine and going to buy new machines
  2. there was a shortage of Touch screens,
  3.  there were problems with the "electronic or computers" in Loudoun County
  4. the electoral board wanted a paper trail. etc etc.. ; n the upcoming Presidential campaign..
  5. we going back to paper ballots on the optical scanner..
  6.  and then the final one: I don't know; we ARE DOING AS INSTRUCTED. yep!!

This morning,  I told Kathleen, that this is still America and to LIE to my neighbors and friends faces, I was NOT going to not offer the touch screen voting because there was ONE machine right there. and all the low vision and handicapped people NEEDED it.. and it was off in the corner with big handicapped signs on it, and they made a HUGE deal about letting anyone use the touch screen voting machine. I told him, the other man if he tell me AGAIN that I wasn't supposed to offer both options I will write him up and report him.

It NOT acceptable to NOT offer a choice of either machine. and I voted on the electronic voting machine. 

,ANY ballot that had a write-in was automatically kicked out which meant there was a LARGE number of hand counted ballots.. statistically significant in our poll based on voter turn out and voter check in,, which had to be hand counted and added back into the count, keeping in mind, there were 19 unused ballots which were "held back" for no apparent reason at all, we actually were supposed to give out ALL THE ballots. 

SO, IN theory now certainly the Electoral Board knew about this feature on the Optical scanner machine; all the ballots have NO names on them.
So we had about 100 Kicked out ballots out of 1000 paper ballots casts; that is about the average; that is 10%. 
100 ballots were then "re hand counted" .. and added in. I am the only Republican and most polls there are no E.Os.. all democrats.. we have 19 unused ballots. easily filled out.. with a straight democrat vote, and included back into the count;Back to the Scenario: Say the Paper Ballot machine kicks out 100 ballots per 1000 votes cast in each precinct; those ballots are replaced with Democratic ballots; the control of the unused ballots in under the control of the Election Chief. These ballots could be easily replaced or put in the Box.. just like that. NO PROBLEM and it would not change the voter count.
The kicked out ballots are simply disposed of by the team of E.O's working together.. and believe me they area tight knit group.
Additionally, the difference between the Touch Screen balloting was HUGE in terms of
results; there ARE NO HAND COUNTED ballots and interesting enough; while there were far less since the paper ballots were forced on everyone; Republicans won handily on the Touch Screen vote and there was only ONE undervote (or no vote)..

Everything else was perfect on the Touch Screen. I, frankly, think this whole last minute change the day before the election.. unannounced, saying there were not enough Touch Screens or they malfunctioned.. etc.. and a return to GLITCH filled paper ballots which ALLOW huge OPPORTUNITY for voter "fixing" is OUTRAGEOUS..

We need to do a direct comparison STATISTICALLY to the results and "error" level
between paper ballots and optically scanned versus Touch Screen now that we
have some data on this.

Of course supposedly, NEW machines are being looked at it; it would behoove Republicans to take close look at this.. and the comparison between Machine Results is a needed statistic to choose new machines. Whoever made that decision, the last minute implementation to use the Paper ballot optical screening, it was a political decision; in my opinion
but we need to think and work smart!! 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ken Cuccinelli and Rand Paul drinking double sized Big Gulps