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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Russia: Putin praises RT at 10th anniversary: not a conspiracy..

am going to send this to a friend of mine who speaks Russian, her family "Fled" Russian and have her translate it

a lot of Democrats are passing this around acting as if there is a LINK between Mike Flynn and Jill Stein: this is strictly a media event 10 anniversary of RT network, and just like the INFAMOUS Roasts that Obama presides over and all the media and politicians all want to be seen and "see".. so that is why they all in one room and naturally the Americans and English speakers would want to be seated at one table. I have been to events (not at this level, but close where Diplomats who speak a certain language are seated together so they will something to talk about even it is the weather. GIVE ME A BREAK! talk about absurd conspiracy theory.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Compilation of Hillary's Seizure, Email Interviews & #HRC; Libya, Benghazi

well she doesn't look that awful but now that the emails are being DUMPED into the Public .. this makes more and more sense.

George Carlin on Global Warming

George Carlin on Climate Change. I said the same thing and I never heard this before. He is considered a liberal's liberal but he really understood the hypocrisy of the Save the Planet.. that is so funny "just another failed mutation" and the planet will shake us off like fleas, surface nuisance.. I saw this on #OAN. I had to share it.. no wonder EVERYONE loved George Carlin. The earth plus plastic.. totally funny

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hillary Freezes

 Watch very closely the Secret Service man holds the Pen and her seizure from both sides.. that  was not joke,, she was have some kind of seizure.