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Monday, February 10, 2020

The Black Book of the American Left: The Collected Conservative Writings...

Current Socialist Berniecrats comprised mostly of voters who grew up up learning from "social media" seem to confuse the concept of socialism, being social and socialist or so it seems. As a boomer who was alive during the SDS and the rise of the Black Panther party I maintained a my long rigid arm as the daughter of a Veteran and mother who fled from a Social Democratic Gov't post World War 2 Germany. I lived in DC and saw the streets filled with the Students for a Democratic Society,, and having wise parents who assured me it was Communism and Fascism combined. Never did I think it would rear its ugly head and actually have the gall to declare itself an arm of the Democratic Party that my father's family and JFK were represented.  

 David Horowitz's book which describes his extremely painful and slow transition from a Communist, since he was actually reared by Communists parents to a true Conservative in this shocking and graphic book about the Black Panthers and the true evil nature of this group which was as he admits, horrific deeds were hidden and as far as I am concerned therefore, the Main Stream Media or Left wing media even back in those days made them complicit in with a Domestic Terrorist group and their horrific deeds.

Quoting: page 34. (He is an excellent and articulate writer since he is a boomer unlike the brainwashed minions of Berniecrats and Socialists today, 2020)

"Every Communist revolution begins as rape of the present and continues as a cannibalization of the past."

Think about that concept and 'nuff said. As a long time conservative, Christian and Trump supporter I post this as community service WARNING to Bernicrats and voters everywhere who are considering Bernie Sanders, who himself, knows that he is lying to his supporters and to himself about what Socialism does to the fabric and structure of government. David Horowitz said expresses and shares the truths that he learned in the belly of the beast and it took an horrific act of betrayal by his comrades to him which he witnessed which traumatized him deeply for him to believe the truth that was there all along, but he missed all the red flags because he simply could not believe the depth of the evil and betrayal until it was flung in his face. No spoilers: just read this book. Even I did was shocked because I was repulsed by the SDS and Black Panthers anyway so I did not pay much attention to them back then, I just assumed one day they would be caught and made to pay for their crimes by our Justice Department or FBI, but in fact, they got off light and to this day the seeds they buried within our Governmental system seem to be coming to fruition. FEAR NOT! God has a better plan than the enslavement of mankind by other men. 

Secular  and biblical fulfillment or proof: Donald Trump fulfilled God's word when he (re) recognized what has been known for thousands of years that Jerusalem is the capital Israel

The Good News: They are but MEN and God's ways are HIGHER and MAN'S ways. God is sovereign and in fact the face of Evil will be eradicated as promised in the Word of God, by Jesus Christ.  

For the REMNANT OF TODAY: Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, listen to the hoof beats of God's warriors!

John 1:14
Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His
glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace
and truth.
John 8:58
"Truly, truly, I tell you," Jesus declared, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Arctic contains a VOLCANO 

So I am going to start working the GREEN NEW DEAL...line by line but I thought I would have some fun first.. :)

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This is NOT about politics I thought my Science is Political blog was GONE!!!! so I posted some recent photos from the 45th Anniversary of the Torpedo Factory.. and Angie my sister is one of that last  artists alive... the gracious and lovely Marian Van Landingham, visionary and founder of the Torpedo Factory attended. I am in a photo with her inside the Target Gallery. The Exhibit is open to the public for free until Dec 8 or so.. 2019. Old Towne Alexandria.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019