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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Kushner: Israel-UAE deal is the culmination of 3 years of diplomacy

rip to Robert Trump.. I don't like mixing messages but this is an INCREDIBLY important announcement.. about the UAE and Israel.. we will see how this works out. It appears positive as a Berean and close watcher of Israel. Remain in Prayer as always, in His Service, Izzy

Nunes says Durham probe indictment is a long-time coming, slams Comey's ...

The wheels of injustice and justice grindly slowly and finely.. stay safe Devin Nunes. Attorney General Barr and the Durham report should be out sooner than later. NOTHING amuses me now.. the FISA COURTS are totally illegal right along with many other agencies who remain in ROGUE mode. Remain in Prayer.

EP. 22 Bannon's War Room: 2020

STEVE BANNON,, is BRILLIANT, no one is right all the time but he does his best. and comes close to hitting the mark.. most of the time. Thank you, Steve Bannon for your service and continuing to be a PATRIOT and standing with PRESIDENT TRUMP KAGA 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Just chock full of information and websites.. SPACE BUFFS.. even though we all know there are no such thing as "extraterrestrials..but we do know there are GIANTS who are related to the Nephiliam whose offspring are located in Antartica.. RE:

the Lost World of the Cloudeaters: Compelling Evidence of the Incursion
of Giants, Their Extraordinary Technology, and Imminent Return

by Stephen Quayle, Thomas R. Horn

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO ALL BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS because we just got handed one of the BIGGEST LIES in documented History.. yeah.. the WUHAN VIRUS.. well not a lie.. and manufactured Biological Weapon.. but what do I know? I could be making all this up.. even though I do have a B.S in Molecular Biology and worked in RNA Viruses. Check out PLANDEMIC

Monday, August 3, 2020

MSOM SPECIAL REPORT SR1: Architects of the Plandemic

THE PLANDEMIC: all discussed at various New WORLD ORDER super creepy disgusting groups like Bilderberg. etc.. we all know about it,, THIS IS A GREAT SHORT Architects of the Plandemic..

RON PAUL, M.D just came out and backed President Trump with his support for the use of Hydroxychloroquine in conjunction w/ Z Pack or otherwise known as  

Azithromycin also use of Vitamins and Zinc.. 

RON PAUL.. ..also said the Federal Gov't should be be practicing medicine.. 

WG1WGA and God Bless America and may Babylon burn.