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Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Silencing of Dr. Judy Mikovits with Guests Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kent H...

I WORKED FOR NCI and the team I worked with moved to Ft Deitrich.. she is little younger than I am.. but I worked seminal work with RNA viruses with Dr George Todaro. Fauci and Gallo, especially GALLO did very sloppy work. I worked in the BF 4 lab using the Monkey cell lines.. the Xenotropic Muric cell she refers to are real. and all the viruses we worked with were retroviruses and very few labs were run cleanly.. OURS WAS.. ~she is right. George Todaro for whom we all worked,, which is in my book ..unpublished but copyrighted actually defined and coined the term ONCOGENE and also was discoverer of the famous or shall I make that infamous 3T3 Cell line without which none of the seminal retrovirus work .. could have made such rapid progress.. with regard to retro viral work..

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

REAL NEWS NETWORK Peggy Taeger Tierney

Real News Network
 Peggy Traeger Tierney
REAL News about the Wuhan Virus
Bill Gates & Barack Obama released a docuseries on Netflix called PANDEMIC in December right before the
Wuhan virus was "discovered."
The docuseries pushed the need for the Gates Foundation to receive funding to carry on virus research to
prevent the next PANDEMIC!
Bill Gates funded the Wuhan lab in China that released the Wuhan virus and is already selling test kits.
Coincidence? Bill Gates was a member of China's Academy of Sciences who built the lab and he was awarded
their highest honor.
The Wuhan virus was originally developed at the University of North Carolina by NIH grants approved by the
Obama administration in 2012.
The NIH defunded the "dangerous" UNC research so the Communist Chinese scientists left UNC and took their
work to the NEWLY BUILT Wuhan lab in 2017 - funded by Gates & pals.
The head of the Harvard Chemistry & Biology department, with ties to Gates & Epstein, was arrested for
accepting bribes from the Communists. Did Epstein know what was coming?
The Pirbright Institute, funded by Bill Gates, owns the "patent" on the Coronavirus genetic sequencing. They
did simulation testing on a global PANDEMIC in 2018.
The first case of Wuhan virus was reported in China on November 17th. Communists didn't inform WHO or
CDC until January 11th. Why?
How does the Wuhan virus spread and how does your body fight it?
Bill Gates & Barack Obama docuseries marketed the need for a global "universal" vaccine to replace all other
flu vaccines. I believe it will be designed to deliver a human chip via nanotechnology.
12,469 people in the US died of H1N1 flu (from Mexico) under Obama in 2009, many of them children,
because he waited 6 months to do anything & never closed the border.
The media said nothing about the 61 million who were infected in Obama's H1N1 crisis, but is creating a huge
panic for Trump around US deaths from the Wuhan virus to destroy the US economy before the election. They
tried to do the same thing with SARS under Bush in 2003.
Know why the Commies unleashed the SWINE FLU virus in 2009 to infect 61 million & kill 12,469? To
convince the US to pass OBAMACARE!
Thousands of people in the US have died from the common flu this year and the media says NOTHING about
that - but is creating a huge panic around US deaths from the Wuhan virus.
DR DREW: "A bad flu season is 80,000 dead and we've got 18,000 dead this year from the flu so far and 100
dead from Corona. Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? 80,000 versus 100, it's not a trick
question. What I have a problem with is the panic and the fact that businesses are getting destroyed and people's
lives are getting upended. Not by the virus, but by the panic. The panic must stop, and the press they really need
to be held accountable, because they are hurting people."
22 out of the total US deaths from the Wuhan virus have come from ONE nursing home in Kirkland,
Washington - and 37 out of 41 US death are in Washington State - the home state of Bill Gates. They aren't
telling you that.
Half the staff (70 people) at that nursing home were infected with Wuhan virus. They appear to be the carriers.
The nursing home draws employees from a large Chinese population across the border in Canada. I believe
Gates placed carriers in vulnerable locations for the narrative and funding.
Another death in Kansas City occurred in a nursing facility owned by the same company who owns the
Kirkland facility!
Right after the first deaths were reported in Bill Gates backyard, the Never Trump Governor declared a national
emergency & Congress approved over $8 billion - even though Trump asked for only a quarter of that. Much of
the funding will flow to Gates' global "research" partners.
Suddenly Bill Gates says his "foundation" will offer in-home testing kits where you swab your nose with a QTip
and send it to his labs. How convenient and timely! I think Gates developed the home-testing kits in order
to secure access to all our DNA!
19 out of the 21 who tested positive on the Princess Cruise ship were CREW MEMBERS. Meaning the crews
are carriers and are infecting passengers. Who put them there?
The virus started in South Korea because the leaders of a "doomsday" cult went to Wuhan, China and went back
and infected 8,000 of their members. Who paid them to do that? South Korean President Moon Jae-in allowed 5
million Chinese to enter the country after the initial outbreak!
In Italy, the virus started in a hospital filled with sick elderly people in a small town in northern Italy -- spread
by a 38-year old carrier from Wuhan, who recovered. Who put him there? Over 100,000 Chinese migrants from
Wuhan own & work in the textile/leather industry in Northern Italy.
In 2019, Italy and Communist China signed an agreement to jointly promote China's Belt & Road Initiative.
Partners in Wuhan Virus!
ER doctors say socialized medicine is so bad in Italy that people avoid clinics and go straight to the hospital
where they are housed with the elderly & sick - that's why the virus spread so fast. Under Italy's socialist
healthcare, if you're 80+, you can be denied treatment & coverage. Now you know why elderly are dying.
Iran's leaders suddenly became infected after Iran's foreign leader met with John Kerry in Munich and laughed
about the Wuhan virus on camera. Almost like he was told to go home, create panic and spread the virus.
Iran – like Italy, a partner in China’s Belt and Road initiative – continued flights between Iran and China. The
first outbreak was in the city of Qom where most of the Chinese projects are set up.
WHO: 4 countries with economic & political ties (Communist China, South Korea, Italy, Iran) facilitated
virus spread around the globe. Italy, Iran, South Korea & China, home to 90% of virus cases, are ALL
partners in the Communist Party's One Belt, One Road scheme!
All those videos out of Communist China of people dying on the streets and thrashing bodies on gurnies - were
fake and sent out by Communist propagandists.
Thousands of people from Wuhan China have protested against the Communist Party's plans to build a waste
"incinerator" plant in their city. They are silent now!
Real videos show Hong Kong freedom fighters being rounded up in handcuffs and sent off to the "hospital"
where it's likely their organs are harvested and they are cremated.
Real videos show elderly people in Communist China trapped in buildings and left to die with no food.
Real videos show that Communist China installed major NEW surveillance cameras and technology to monitor
people on the street & in their offices since the virus was released.
Real videos show the Chinese people yelling "IT'S ALL FAKE" from high rises as the Communists pretend to
care for them on the streets below.
The Chinese are now being forced to use an app which tells them when they can come and go and tracks their
every move. How did the Communists suddenly develop this technology in a month? This was part of the plan
and put in place while they were under "quarantine."
After Trump closed travel from Communist China in January, the Chinese blamed the US and threatened to
hold back our pharmaceuticals unless we opened travel back up again. They didn't expect him to do that - that
thwarted their plans to seed the US with more cases.
I believe the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu - for healthy people - but has been engineered to
be highly infectious and impact the elderly & sick. Thankfully, it is NOT affecting children & young adults like
pandemic flu does.
I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communist Party to scare the Chinese people back into their homes
and stop the Hong Kong & Taiwanese pro-freedom protests.
I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communists to crash the US economy & drive people away from
Trump rallies.
I believe the virus was unleashed to help the Communists round up dissidents, assert global control and to cull
the elderly and weak.
I believe the virus was unleashed to scare the American people into accepting SOCIALIZED medicine and total
ALL respiratory viral outbreaks peak in March and end in April. I believe this one too.
The SARS Coronavirus panic dropped the market 20% in March 2003, under Bush, and it came roaring back
even higher by July. In other words, they've done this before to a Republican administration before an election.
Wuhan virus is impacting less than 1% of the population in areas of "high" infection: China (.12%) S. Korea
(.21%) Italy (.037%) - although the fake news media makes it sounds like 50% of the population is sick.
Why are so many leaders testing positive for Wuhan Virus? Because Communist China brought the scheme to
Davos in January!
The fake news reported that Brazil's conservative President, Bolsonaro, tested positive for Wuhan virus. His son
says that's a LIE. So far, it appears ONLY left-wing leaders & celebrities are testing positive for Wuhan virus.
Sounds like collusion to me!
SOUTH KOREA FACTS: Of 179,160 tests completed, 96% tested negative, 4% positive. 51 people died or .
69% of confirmed cases.
Now the fake news is trying to distance Wuhan from the virus -- and so is Communist China. That means we're
right over the target.
The New York Times is calling people "racist" for using the term "Wuhan Virus." I guess they forgot that's
what they used to call it before their masters in the Communist Party told them not to!
Suddenly the liberal Governor of New York says the State will start selling their own brand of hand sanitizer
made by prison inmates! How long was that in the works?
Did you know WHO says 67% of ALL people under 50 in the WORLD are infected with HSV-1 (herpes)
virus? Many NEVER show symptoms. Think about that. Are we permanently quarantined for herpes virus? NO.
Democrats hope to hype the Wuhan virus for months to destroy the economy, bring down the market, shut
down Trump rallies, gatherings, debates, the conventions & force ALL voting by mail or phone! They basically
said that tonight on MSNBC & CNN. Democrats are masters at rigging absentee ballots!
UPDATE 3/12/20: I heard a few things today from sources I trust I thought you should know:
1) South Korea has already tested 200,000 people and is testing 20,000 people per day and finding a fatality rate
of less than .7% - which I trust.
2) The reason Trump shut down travel from the EU is because the newest Wuhan virus cases in America are
from travelers who have visited the EU. The EU has NOT been shutting down its borders to Communist China
like we have since 1/31 - in fact the EU is under siege by millions of migrants from who knows where
clamoring to invade Greece & Italy.
3) The majority of people who are dying from the Wuhan virus are 80+ with underlying conditions such as
emphysema, heart disease or cancer. Young & healthy people have a very low risk - but they CAN transmit it to
their elderly parents & grandparents. So, be vigilant. The average age of those who succumb to the Wuhan
virus has been confirmed at 81 years old.
4) Many deaths in Communist China appear to come from elderly residents in Hubei province who received NO
care at all and were left to fend for themselves. The reason the Wuhan Virus impacts the elderly &
vulnerable is simply because their immune systems are not as strong.
5) Many cases in Communist China were actually infected healthcare workers who were not properly
safeguarded from patients and ended up re-infecting more patients. China told their healthcare workers there
was no contagion problem for weeks, when there was.
6) The same is true in Washington State & California - nursing home employees & cruise ship crew members
are spreading the virus to people - not the other way around.
7) As I mentioned many times, historically, Coronavirus outbreaks PEAK in March and start to die out by the
end of April. Coronaviruses like cooler drier weather. A second round can start up again in October after a
summer hiatus.
8) Of those tested who were positive for ANY respiratory virus, ONLY 2% tested positive for Wuhan. Meaning
98% have the common flu.
9) In order to STOP THE SPREAD in America, during the peak transmission months of March & April,
President Trump ASKED businesses, sports teams and major events to suspend activity for 8 weeks to reduce
transmission during this peak time. Makes perfect sense to stop it in its tracks and lower the bell curve.
10) The bright side of the panic is that liberals are suddenly wanting to buy guns, close borders, build walls,
honor elders, cut taxes, stop human trafficking and vaccinate their children.
Microsoft says Bill Gates is stepping down from the company's board. Did he get caught for helping the
Communists engineer the Wuhan virus panic? Gates & President Xi appear pretty chummy.
JERRY FALWELL: "Could the virus be the "Christmas gift" that Communist leader Kim Jong-un promised to
America?" Very likely!
President Trump closed America's borders to Communist China on January 31. 7 weeks LATER, Europe is
FINALLY doing the same. What took so long? Merkel is a research chemist & quantum physicist & knows
virus. She either knew it wasn't a threat or didn't care.
Trump's task force announced a new vaccine for Wuhan virus is ready for testing in clinical trial. The fastest
rollout in history. 13 others are working on treatments of vaccines.
The FDA approved the Roche Wuhan virus test that is 10 times faster than the current test. Trump cutting all
unnecessary regulations.
The CDC is recommending that public gatherings of 10 or more people over the next 8 weeks be POSTPONED
or CANCELLED. Why? To stop "foreign" contamination by carriers.
Biden tweeted it's safe for healthy people to vote on Tuesday but older people should vote by absentee ballot!
So it's OK for young people to go out & spread virus to others before they are tested? That's not what Biden
said last week! As I mentioned, this is the Democrats' "absentee ballot rigging" plan.
House testimony reveals Democrats & scientific "experts" told Trump NOT to stop travel from China in
January. He did it anyway!
We were told CPAC had an "infected" attendee in close contact with dozens - yet nobody else tested positive.
Was it even real?
Text message rumors of a national quarantine are FAKE. There is NO national lockdown. Another Communist
disinformation campaign.
Are Democrats ALSO hyping fear to STOP Census takers going door to door to validate 2020 Census responses
so we use Obama's rigged numbers? Replies to the Census are due by the end of March. If you don't reply, a
Census taker will come to your door. What if this is another scheme to STOP that?
Market fell 3000 points on 3/16 after dozens of nations close their borders and Trump declares this could last
for months. TRUMP: "Best thing I can do for stock market is get through this crisis. Once virus is gone,
market will go up like never before."
Experts say Wuhan virus carriers spread infection for 2 months before Communist China informed WHO &
CDC of problem.
Modeling shows that if Communist China had alerted the CDC of their first virus case in November, instead of
two months later, they would have reduced global transmission & death by 80%.
BIRX: Many tests used in other countries to report the # of Wuhan virus cases have high rates of FALSE
POSITIVES. We don't trust their numbers. The fatality rate OUTSIDE of Wuhan is .7% - significantly LESS
than what the Communist Party reported for Hubei province.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Our goal is to get RID of the Wuhan virus in America & limit deaths. Markets will take
care of themselves.
MNUCHIN: We intend to keep the markets open. Americans need access to their money. They will NOT be
shut down like after 9/11. If you expect a refund, file your taxes as usual. If you owe the IRS $, file on time but
you can defer payments interest free for 90 days.
We want ALL states to make sure they keep the drive through options at banks, markets, restaurants &
pharmacies OPEN.
HUGE! Mike Pompeo trashed the leadership of Iran and called them Communist China's "accomplices" in
spreading the Wuhan virus!
China is kicking American reporters out of the country due to Wuhan virus. Further proof that Communist
China has a lot to hide!
Models show that 86% of Wuhan virus carriers NEVER get sick or have symptoms, yet they easily transmit the
HIDDEN virus to others! That's why the virus is so insidious and contagious because people don't know they
have it and transmit it to others. That's why we need to isolate.
While they distracted us with impeachment, they unleashed the virus and created a narrative to destroy Trump's
economy. The only tactic they had left. Just like they unleashed the SWINE FLU virus in 2009 to infect 61
million & kill 12,469 to convince the US to pass OBAMACARE!
Communist China quietly bought up the world's supply of respirators & masks in 24 hours, on the cheap, to
price gouge the planet!
Staff at Seattle nursing home, in Gates' backyard, where half the US deaths are from, SPREAD virus to other
facilities in Washington!
Democrats are calling on Trump to SUSPEND sanctions & tariffs on nations like Communist China, Russia &
Iran to help our enemies!
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "This virus is very contagious. It spreads violently. It spreads very fast. Nobody's seen
anything like this."
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "There will be a comeback very quickly as soon as this is solved. It will be solved. We
will win."
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "The virus came from China. I want to be accurate. Some people could say it was
somebody's fault."
Bill Gates' father is a "depopulation" advocate who sat on boards of Costco, Pacific Health, Planned Parenthood
& World Justice!
Chinese labs discovered the new virus in late December but were ordered by the Communist Party to destroy
samples & cover it up.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: The virus came from China. China said it came from the US Army! I'm not going to let
them get away with that lie.
President Trump announced we are "at WAR against the Chinese Virus" implying it was an intentional ACT of
WAR against the US & invoked the DEFENSE POWERS ACT.
Why did the Commies unleash SWINE FLU in 2009 to infect 61 million & kill 12,469? To convince the US to
pass OBAMACARE! It worked!
REPORTER: Tom Cotton is saying China should be punished for inflicting this virus on the American people.
Do you agree?
TRUMP: I have a lot of respect for Tom Cotton. I know exactly what he's been saying. We'll see.
REPORTER: The Wall Street Journal reports that you are writing an Executive Order calling for an
investigation into how this virus started. Is that true?
TRUMP: I have not seen that article.
Communist China ORDERED its scientists to "win the race" to develop a vaccine. I'm guessing they already
have one! Will use it as leverage. SCAMMERS.
Communist China announced they have NO new cases in Wuhan. What do you bet they killed off
dissidents & vaccinated the rest?
Every single one of my evidentiary statements has been reported by numerous sources and my opinions
expressed are based in fact. This is not a conspiracy. This is real.
For updates on global spread of the Wuhan virus, follow this site built by a 17-year old American genius:
To receive news updates and communicate with us by email, subscribe below.
BTW, Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, Soros, Brennan, McMaster, Obama and Clinton
are all tied to sketchy Ukraine & China deals. No wonder they need to take down President Trump! For updates on this story see:

For more news see:

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Was the COVID 19 TEST meant to detect a VIRUS and everything you need to know about HIV and PCR

Ok this is a little awkward but the PCR and the issues with regard to ROBERT GALLO,, and apparently all roads lead to Robert Gallo ,, even my own Book (half finished) lead to ROBERT GALLO.