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Friday, January 24, 2014

Aids, Opium, Diamonds and Greed Book review.

WOW, this book was given to me for Christmas and I had heard about some rumors with regard to Aids/Research and historically I was and still am opposed to MONEY being spent on Aids/Research. Dr. Banks while she spends a lot of time analyzing the AIDs boondoogle makes an excellent case for why the AID pandemic is bogus.
Be prepared to break out your medical dictionary.

and here is something about the Opium part:
What do Afghanistan and Viet Nam have in common? yep. Opium addition.
keep everyone in a stupor and no will notice the millions, no make that billions of dollars being floated everywhere but the U.S

fantastic read, I will post more as I have time. I just now "found my Google password" so I am posting.

This book is the epitome of why Science is Political. She explores the "economics" of the War on Cancer and also touches on some my favorite conspiracy theories but she REALLY did her homework!!!:)
  • Retrovirus
    Virus Classification
  • Retroviridae is a family of enveloped viruses that replicate in a host cell through the process of reverse transcription. Wikipedia
  • Scientific name: Retroviridae
  • Rank: Family
  • She also presents an alternate explanation for the Aids virus which almost makes sense scientifically. and I want to publicly thank her for telling it like it is about Robert Gallo, who produced the sloppiest work in all of Cancer history with a straight face and made a bundle of money while writing books defending his particles in a bottle. nuff said. --IH

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