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Monday, March 14, 2016

Left wing protestors are low information and highly paid tools: irresponsible reporting by Media

Both Left Wing Media pundits like MSNBC as well as a couple left wing and Democratic strategists or advisors or whatever they are peddling themselves as today are figuring out and presenting any tactic or photo possible to BLAME Donald Trump for the protestors. Sadly, even John Kasich and formerly (in my book) GOP and conservatives have parted with their own conscience about prior promises all in the face of the 'disruptive protestors'.

The BOTTOM line: Severe actions have severe consequences, and each and every one of those protestors, regardless of how stupid or money grubbing they are responsible for their own irresponsible actions and therefore they are also responsible for the negative consequences and actions. 

If, in fact, they are 'tools' of a left wing machine such as the Bill Ayers, former U.S. Terrorist and founding member of the Weatherman Underground, who is now a retired University Professor from the University of Chicago or if those people who are 'protestors' choose to accept money from the likes of the George Soros who supports the Black LIES Matter and other 'protestors' who are bent on destroying the Economic foundation as well as twisting the Framer's intent of the Constitution by using the First Amendment to shut down Trump supporter's by shutting them they are no better than any other group of terrorist who do the very same thing, including the Islamic Extremists, ISIS and those  who have declared WAR on the U.S and Israel. 

I will call them what they are: terrorist, and neo-fascists and enemies of the United States of America. If they can draw an analogy between Trump and fascism which is an outright lie and positively egregious then I will draw the most direct analogy: The protestors are outright terrorists and are committing treason and hiding behind the flag and the Constitution which they don't deserve to be protected by since it was shed by the blood of Americans who love this country. 

 Why doesn't Obama or Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton (the left wing leaders) direct (give an order since these people are obviously either brain washed or paid by the left) TO stop the violent protests? 
Where does the buck stop with the left wing? They are cowards and while they continue to call for change now that the PEOPLE of the United States are finally speaking out after 30 years of a failed Federal government under both parties; which started in 1913 when the 16th Amendment was "ratified"* not really, it was ramtified.. my word, and the people of the U.S became wage slaves. 
This is a BATTLE for the very lives of the citizens of the U.S. The extreme left for the ultimate power grab, claiming "peace, peace".. Christ's words address this: Peace, Peace but there will be no peace as long as the evil ilk of men and women such as these are in charge. If a socialist or communist government attempts to co-opt this election or if the GOP is so blind that they don't see what is happening and allow this to continue (the anti-Trump campaigns) this nation will have a full blown civil war and it will not be black against white, it will be FREE man or woman, armed with guns against other Americans.

WAKE UP!!!! PRAY!! Pay attention!

Obama buddy and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was seen protesting Donald Trump in Chicago today. Thousands of leftwing protesters were expected today to protest Donald Trump at the University of Chicago Illinois campus.
5,000-7,000 people were already inside the pavilion at 5 PM Central. Thousands more were still in a line that stretched several blocks.


Obama buddy and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was seen protesting Donald Trump in Chicago today.
Thousands of leftwing protesters were expected today to protest Donald Trump at the University of Chicago Illinois campus.
5,000-7,000 people were already inside the pavilion at 5 PM Central. Thousands more were still in a line that stretched several blocks.

Trump supporters lined up early to see the GOP frontrunner in Chicago. (Progressives Today 
Guess who was outside protesting Donald Trump?
…Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers

bill ayers trump

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