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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Isabell on Trump: He is presumptive nominee and I am going with it.. BEFORE INDIANA

So when I find the photos of Julie Carey and also of me at the Convention.. which could be next year at the rate I am going.. sigh.. :) and smile.. anyway.. :) I will post them.

Why under Science is Political? well I actually do and apply statistics.. on the back of th envelope and it was OBVIOUS to me.. that Trump was going to WIN the nomination and after the riots last night.. WOW Go on with your bad selves Bernie supporters. :)
And only Fox business news covered it: CNN and MSNBC and apparently Joe Biden.. business as usual as seen in the next photo taken simultaneously while the non-riot was going on outside the Philadelphia convention center.
YEP, if that wasn't a Media blackout.. and then Alex Jones posted some U-tubes of the Bernie/BlackLivesMatter/GreenParty


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