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Sunday, October 25, 2020




Quoting from The United States of Influence Series 2011: 

It was the fall of 2008 - the thick of the financial crisis - and Sen. Charles Schumer had a problem.

During his rise to become the powerful third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, the New Yorker had aggressively cultivated an image as a true liberal Democrat, someone who put hardworking middle-class Americans ahead of special interests. It was a characterization he pushed in his frequent television appearances; In his book "Positively American," Schumer alluded to a fictional middle-class couple, the Baileys, whom he dubbed "the reason I had entered public service."

Yet outside the public eye, Schumer was one of the biggest beneficiaries of Wall Street money that Congress had ever seen.

It was the fall of 2008 - the thick of the financial crisis - and Sen. Charles Schumer had a problem. 

 Over the course of his career, Schumer has raised half a million dollars from Goldman Sachs - and nearly as much from Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase. Between 1989 and 2010, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics,  

Schumer took in nearly $9 million from the entire securities and investment industry, a haul that helped him become one of the most powerful politicians in America, a deep-pocketed kingmaker with unrivaled connections among the wealthiest players on Wall Street.

The seeming contradiction between Schumer's public posture and his closed-door fundraising efforts had gone little-noticed by the general public before the financial crisis. But when the securities and investment industry was thrust into chaos - and the spotlight - in 2008, Schumer's Wall Street ties suddenly became a political liability.   After all, Schumer's biggest donors were the very folks who President Obama would later, in response to public anger, deem "fat cat bankers." 

In the years leading up to the crisis, Schumer had been pushed hard to deregulate the financial industry; as the New York Times documented in the wake of the crisis, he had repeatedly protected the industry from oversight and helped companies avoid billions of dollars in taxes and fees.

    Schumer didn't turn his back on his allies. He was one of the major drivers behind passage of the $700 billion bank bailout approved by Congress in the midst of the crisis. The bailout, which spawned the conservative Tea Party movement and was hugely unpopular with the left, was a literal lifesaver for the financial services industry.

    But in his public comments, Schumer sought to align himself with the outraged, notably signaling support for tougher regulation, controversial "clawback" provisions that would recover excessive compensation from top executives and the temporary "good nationalization" of some banks, which would have wiped out shareholders and cost top managers their jobs. He hoped at the time that members of the industry would understand that he had little choice but to acknowledge the political landscape. But many didn't see it that way. (LIKE HALF OF THE UNITED STATES)  

It pissed off a lot of people in the financial industry who thought he had gone overboard, or gone back on his word to them," said New York Magazine political columnist Chris Smith.

Schumer's post-financial crisis posture prompted closed-door complaints from New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who believed Schumer was not doing enough to help the industry beat back new regulation. According to Smith, the sudden, surprising emergence of Wall Street-aligned former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. as a potential Democratic primary challenger to Schumer's close ally Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in the 2008 New York Senate race was driven largely by the frustration of Schumer's donors.

It's a frustration that to some extent speaks to Wall Street's insularity. Schumer is a blue-state Democrat who has close ties to a major home state industry that just happens to be disdained by many of the voters he needs for reelection; he has no choice but to walk a careful line when it comes to Wall Street issues, particularly when events thrust them into the public eye....(see article)..

To understand the way Schumer operates, consider his influence with the Securities and Exchange Commission - the agency that is supposed to regulate the largest public companies in the United States. The senator, a member of both the Senate Finance and Banking committees, has been influential in deciding who does and doesn't become an SEC commissioner.

Schumer "got Annette Nazareth her job as commissioner at the SEC," says Lynn Turner, who was the SEC's chief accountant from 1998 to 2001. Nazareth had come from the industry - she had been senior vice president and senior counsel of Lehman Brothers and a managing director of Smith Barney. And while consumer advocates don't view Nazareth as a disaster by any means - Turner says she has done "some good things and some not so good" - they say she is typical of the relatively business-friendly commissioners who tend to be nominated by the White House and approved by the Senate.

With rare exception, "you cannot be named to the SEC if you're an investor advocate," said Roper, who stresses she is not singling out Nazareth specifically. "I mean, it's not even a remote possibility. There is a process that you go through and the industry gets essentially a sign off on who can be considered as an SEC nominee." (The SEC declined comment for this story.)

"Where someone might think that in a Democratic administration you would get appointments of investor advocate types, it doesn't happen," adds Roper. "And you still have this process where industry has in essence veto power over those appointments, and Schumer's part of that."

Yet Schumer has also fought to keep Republicans from cutting funding for the SEC, and he has pushed the SEC to curb high-frequency trading, which experts say has a destabilizing effect. Former longtime Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, a Pennsylvania Democrat who lost his seat in the 2010 elections, argues that Schumer's industry ties have their upside. Kanjorski, a significant player in the Wall Street reform effort, said that "without his aide and a few others, we never would have gotten as far as to put [a financial reform bill] together."

"You have to understand - somebody's got to speak for New York City and New York State," Kanjorski said. "He's always there to remind us of that. But he's no patsy for them. He doesn't lay down for them. I think he makes a fight on the hard stuff but he doesn't get all disturbed on the small stuff."

After rebelling against Schumer in the wake of the financial crisis, Wall Street appears to have made peace with its longtime ally. That's, in part, a simple acknowledgement of reality. A tireless retail politician, expert distributor of money and canny publicity hound - his outspoken, progressive positions on social issues tend to push his Wall Street ties out of the headlines - the two-term senator and former representative seems unlikely to drop off the political map anytime soon. (He consolidated power during his extraordinarily successful tenure as chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, where he raised a record amount, with the help of Wall Street.) And Schumer's position as an influential member of two Senate committees important to the financial industry gives Wall Street ample reason to stand by him.

Asked about that comment, Sen. Dick Durbin, who drove the effort to cap swipe fees, told Huffington Post: "Listen, I know the zip code for Wall Street and I know what state it's in."

Schumer's office declined multiple requests for interviews for this article. In 2009, the senator told Bloomberg News: "When Wall Street comes in conflict with Main Street, I tend to side with Main Street."

According to former SEC chief accountant Lynn Turner, Schumer can be summed up in two words: "Strange duck." (I BET THAT IS ALL SHE WOULD SAY OR SHE COULD WAKE UP DEAD)

I found this article reading a book called CAPITAL HILL's Criminal UNDERGROUND, Richard Lawless. 

Frankly, the book is shocking because it was written by a banker, Richard Lawless who lost his life savings and almost his life during the 2008 financial melt down. He writes with clarity and totally apolitical he follows the money because he and a group of investment partners (I gather they were democrats) invested in Puerto Rico energy company start up and ended up losing everything. He writes from a personal point of view, names names and comes to the conclusion that BOTH DEMOCRATS and Republicans are CORRUPTED; (Ron Paul tells that truth every time he speaks). He says he did try to contact President Trump who did acknowledge his plight. Mr. Lawless sent hundreds of letters to the FBI, DOJ and SEC. He lists names and contacts organizations who in theory exist to oversee bank fraud, money laundering and even wound up in the RICO suit.

I had never heard about the Puerto Rico debacle except scanty references in the news  about Puerto Rico defaulting on 70 BILLION DOLLARS of BONDS which resulted in a RICO LAWSUIT! re in this blog.

Mr Lawless said there were reports in a newspaper called:  CARIBBEANEWSNOW.COM or Caribbean News Now; 

(I think that is it because when I typed in GOOGLE SEARCH.. which we all know is came back as unable to connect .. Geekspeak for Google Censorship, that for another day.) 

Information re: RICO LAWSUIT per Mr. Lawless' book. 

CASE 3:15-cv-01167-JAG Document 1 Filed 2-24-15 Page 1 of 80

United States District Court
District of Puerto Rico 

Paraphrasing Mr. Lawless' book (available on Kindle) the lawsuit spells out the participants in the OIL FRAUD and how they did it with off shore accounts bank numbers for money laundering. 

In April of 2016 "various newspapers"  (I never saw it) reported that a court upheld a RICO lawsuit against PREPA. 


17th Legislative Assembly 5th Ordinary Session
House of Representatives
H.R. 1049

    The above lawsuit recaps all the participants involved in a BILLION DOLLAR FRAUD, including the FBI, DOJ but what the result? As Mr. Lawless asked? WHY DIDN'T anyone go to JAIL?  The FBI and DOJ under OBAMA and ERIC HOLDER were aware of ALL of this.

     Why, dear reader, am I writing about this? Writing about this HUGE BILLION DOLLAR RICO FRAUD is an HUGE effort for me just summing up and referring to Mr. Lawless work which he details in his book, he left NO STONE UNTURNED. 

    He includes all the responses from Attorney's General offices at the state level; at the Federal level all of them were basically just FORM LETTER responses and sending him to yet another agency, some expressing sympathy for his plight but when all was said and done NO ONE COULD HELP HIM BECAUSE THE DEEP STATE SWAMP is so DEEP and DARK and so dirty and yes, it is mostly Democrats but there are some RINO's mentioned like Paul Ryan, but I digress: IT IS SCARY to read his book because the people who fight the DEEP STATE and LIVE TO TELL are few and far between: 

        DEVIN NUNES!  Chris Farrell, Tom Fitton, Jay Sekelow and Donald Trump, Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell (License to Lie author just to name a few who deserve total RESPECT for their BRAVERY and AUDACITY to stand up the DARK ABYSS filled with wicked people, which does exist and has tremendous raw power.

        In the course of my life now at the age of 70, some of my faculties, like my vision is going, (double torn retinas) and other age related issues which has stopped me from writing about about some of these incident but I want to and will try to, I FELT MR. LAWLESS' despair in his book and I pray for him.

      I personally have come face to face with those DARK DEEP SWAMP EVIL PEOPLE because of where I have lived all my life: Northern Virginia, Alexandria, Virginia. As a Christian I believe that God does operate in one's life; I am a Berean or daily Bible reader. I was educated to be a scientist with a B.S in Molecular Biology at GMU so I do understand about Chemistry, Environmental issues, and Virology, (I worked in Virology for NIH) I bring this up because I came face to face at least five times with the EVIL OPERATING in local, state and federal levels in U.S  Government, but God provided the wisdom and prudence and strength for me to walk in HIS path. I believe that God put Mr. Lawless book in my life so that I can understand that some of the stumbling blocks that appear to be "coincidental" are not accidental or coincidental, in fact, that there is evil operating to prevent people of principle and conscious from warning others of this evil. 

    No, it is not your imagination when three or four negative "accidents" happen, the IRS is calling, someone is very sick or dies, mysteriously the power goes out for a day or your computer blows up for no reason or your brand new tire goes flat in your driveway. Sometimes it is an actual person or group of people, sometimes it is a direct attack from the devil, either way, pray for guidance and discernment and RISE UP AND LET GOD SHOW YOU HOW HE WANTS YOU TO DEAL WITH THEM! Believe me.. read the Bible, God will show what to do and how to do it. I know it has happened to me; when I was younger I would respond in human strength and anger: slow down and ask the Lord what to do.

     Christians like me who notice that all of a sudden when it rains it pours: the endless phone calls of distractions, the nonsense of distractions (FAKE NEWS) to keep the TRUTH away from American people that in fact there are groups of people who intend to overthrow America, destroy our Constitution, enslave and punish people who disagree with their secular evil philosophy which is in line with Marxism and Atheism.  

    THANK YOU, Mr. Lawless for sharing your story. I hope that God allows me to share my stories of faith, strength, fighting the good fight as a sinning human being, saved by the Blood of Christ as are all Christians. Thank you, Lord for the blessings you have provided to me just be living in the United States of America. Of course I will be voting for Donald Trump, I believe the Lord placed him to be the President of America because we as a country and we STILL ARE are on the precipice of the ABYSS. 

FINALLY I WANT TO END ON A SCRIPTURE VERSE which I, as berean, or daily bible reader (try to)  have read many times before but now made known to Christians by Mike Pence and Pastor Jeffries and others:

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Read full chapter

This is full of hope yet as a Bible Student I want to point out that the WORD of God is always very specific: IF MY PEOPLE, WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME: that means the SERVANTS of GOD, the people who are prayer warriors; those who have accepted the Christ as their Savior and recognize that HE ROSE from the DEAD, which means that YESHUA or as we call him JESUS IS THE LIVING LORD. God is alive and has given HIS PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY HIS NAME the BLUEPRINT of defeating the enemy. THE WORD OF GOD is Jesus Christ. 

Have a blessed day! and like Jesus said: BE OF GOOD CHEER! FOR I HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD! PRAISE GOD!  MAGA2020



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