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Saturday, September 24, 2022

COVID-19 Green Crystals: Don’t Call Them ‘Death Crystals! to post from ASCP now disappeared!!!


This is part of a letter that I sent to researcher.. very brilliant and smart and good friend of mine when we could all still discuss what was going on so please excuse some of informal language :) 

The Pandemic is OVER and though I was tired of hearing about it,, and I did contract Corona.. still have mild symptoms which continue to puzzle me: my taste is off, sometimes, and I still get moderate; exactly two months to the day, all the main symptoms disappeared (that is strange by itself). 

I do believe the Chinese for CSPRed the Corona Bat virus. So I want to post an article I sent to a Virus and Genomic researcher during the "Pandemics" peak: guess what: it was in ASCP  orAmerican Society for Clinical Pathology, (I am member and Med Tech)  written by another Tcch:

Quoting from the article: now not available,, well I could not find it again. Ms. Socha reported she saw Green Crystals in the specimens of Covid patients in a case study, my favorite kind of science reporting: Eye witness lab work: 

 "Medical technologist Becky Socha, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM BBCM , has seen reports of these crystals in COVID-19 patients. "These recent incidences may lead to new information about exactly what clinical significance they hold," she writes in her recent Lablogatory post on ASCP’s COVID-19 Resources web page under Scientific Literature." and that is quoting from the article with ASCP logo. 

Further from the article explaining why seeing GREEN CRYSTALS in Human specimen samples is rare and also indicates morbidity and toxicity issues in patients:

 "Blue-green cytoplasmic inclusions in neutrophils and monocytes are a novelty in hematology. It is rare to see these inclusions on peripheral smears. When they are seen, they usually indicate a poor prognosis and impending death.

These blue-green inclusions were originally reported in patients with hepatic injury and failure. Researchers are now finding these crystals can occur in patients with tissue injury other than liver, and in patients with multi-organ failure."  ORGAN FAILURE, TISSYE INJURY OR MULTI ORGAN FAILURE.

 During this pandemic, ASCP has created a COVID-19 Resources web page where you can find the latest resources, articles and other updates on the coronavirus to help you fight this virus and improve patient care. Check it out at ,, SO the ASCP (woke, of course.. as most all medical orgs are now days) goes on to invite Med Techs, Doctors, any practitioners to CHECK IT OUT. 

POOR OLD BECKY. I did  quick search and she apparently has a new job and wishes she never wrote that .. I am guessing, that is why these first reports are so important: not tainted by the MEDICAL WOKE PUNDITS. 

Anyway.  I go on to say to him (he is PHD and M.D.) and we worked in the same lab  years ago, here goes what I said back then.. and I wanted to capture it: since a lot of what I said has BEEN WIPED OUT. 

Quoting myself. lol

When I first heard about it,, I starting keeping track of it.. the Chinese Scientist who was killed.. in December, I got off of Twitter which does have interesting stuff on it but there are almost no real scientists.. JUST A BUNCH OF NEWS JUNKIES who don't understand the difference between RNA, a single stranded virus, DNA the Helix, mRNA and when you mention the word retrovirus their eyes glaze over.... 

 someone sent  me the (sic) Adrian Bon paper.. included above in Word.. which has been De platformed (the New Age way of saying "CENSORED".. which is totally unacceptable.. or perhaps you agree that a NON SCIENTIST who did not pass Bio 101 has the right to CENSOR Science?... and OH BY THE WAY.. I posted the Dr Van Paper. (which I included on SCRIBD..which is a PAID SERVICE.. free speech and books, all kinds of interesting topics.. from BIG FOOT to Archeology.. and it was REMOVED.. SO THIS IS CENSORSHIP and Science.. should never be censored by idiots who couldn't pass Organic Chemistry or define Avegadro's number.. or spell RIBONUCLEAIC ACID without spell check. ..

I go on to say: Down and dirty version of what happened: again for you.. what happened:

the Chinese found a way to either "synthesize" a sequence or a nucleotide.. found in the SARS Virus (the Genome was out there) and then "cut" or as I called it CRSPERD into a site.. which was around the 8G.. or something like that don't make me read it again, INSERTED This.. into the RNA SARS virus and BOOM: the created a SARS COVID 19 CHIMERIC  TEMPLATE.. which is "apparently" what allowed or caused the SARS COVID 19 to transmute or transform into a CHIMERIC ZOONOTIC RNA NOVEL VIRUS... and evidentially the Chinese  found a way to reproduce it.. just like WE used to make tons of RNA VIRUSES.. grow them and then get the reverse transcriptase measurements..\\ IT IS NOT LIKE AIDS at all except that it is an RNA VIRUS. (I don't believe like the crazies think that "we" created AIDS. I believe it was in some kind form in nature and mutated or adapted.  

The other scenario is that they found an RNA Nucleotide naturally occurring.. and "cut" (Inserted) or CRSPRED it into the TEMPLATE of the Chimeric SARS Genome.. which they created,, and based on what I have found.. they  have working on this FOR AT LEAST  10 YEARS!!!!!
The South Koreans.. already knew about it,, as they have spies in there.. (I know this for a fact).. if it is "naturally occurring".. as in existing in nature; they then cloned it or created a synthetic copy into the SARS COVID .. this would make it easier to create a Vaccine.. because as you well know Human beings have been exposed to ALL KINDS OF VIRUSES including the coronavirus which is naturally occurring in cats and bats.. and it makes PERFECT sense for the Chinese to have that Wuhan lab near an open market.. so they can collect samples. I know you have traveled internationally.. and xxxxx went to China.. but when I was in England,, I saw them roasting chickens in the open air and selling them to people on the street.

Back to the GLOVES, VERSUS, MASK versus VIRUS BULLSHxT.......excuse my french. 
WE ALL KNOW that Masks and lock downs DO NOT WORK because the 'general public' does not know how to actually use Biohazard equipment "or what the FAKE NEWS calls PPP or some crap like that. EITHER ONE'S IMMUNE system is up the task or it is not.
However.. out of courtesy I wear a mask.. but when I am really serious.. I bring and wear gloves.. and wear them in public.
These are the links I sent to him.. I don't know it they work I know the genomic works. 

SO WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GREEN CRYSTALS? anyway.. just wanted that to be out there. the PDFs I won't  include here. 

OK. my eyes are already glazing over. :) have a great weekend. just my two cents worth 

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