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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Pelosi break in.. detailed in GATEWAY PUNDIT

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi Home Is Surrounded by CCTV Cameras and Security Detail - Unlikely Anyone Could Break In Unnoticed (

f an individual broke into the home of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, there surely is a surveillance system that would tell the police and numerous entities that the house had been broken into.  There’s no doubt that the Pelosis’ home has a security system.  This system likely includes motion detectors as well.  Any movement near the house or broken glass would immediately be registered at the surveillance company.  They in turn would notify the police of the encounter.  Also, there are likely police cars circling the neighborhood where the Pelosis live.  But the police reported that Paul Pelosi made the call to the police.  Paul Pelosi never shared that the home was broken into.

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