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Friday, December 23, 2022

Peace on Earth.. Good Will Toward Men.. except for those in America.... we just pay the bills and suck it up.

<p>Peace on Earth! Good Will Toward <del>Men</del> Ukraine</p>: Peace on Earth! Good Will Toward Men Ukraine, Passing this monstrosity and running home to drink eggnog with family will not absolve them of their perfidy to nullify the glory of Christ’s birth, funding arms, drug and human trafficking, graft and cartel-run invasion


The DEMOCRATIC "soviet style show".. in Congress two nights before Christmas was absolutely stunning in its duplicity and effort to distract Americans not only from celebrating Christmas by staging a last minute "show down" right before a winter storm.. sweeping through America: even God like levels of cold sweeping through the Northern parts of America. (so much for GLOBAL WARMING).. was totally appalling. Like Tucker Carlson said: who is this guy showing up in a Green Sweat Shirt.. mockingly asking for mo money.. not not Charity.. but an investment .. w/ no dividends.. into a Global security alliance.. (whatever).. we already have over 100K National Guard troops deployed ABROAD, to hell with our OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER.. and why not do a massive CHRISTMAS SHAKE DOWN.. on America .. again. The hypocrisy was beyond stunning. Zelenky aka the Ukrainian Winston Churchill as the left wing media echo chamber dubbed him was equally nauseating.. as were all the GOP and Dems who stood up and clapped like SEALS.. in unison while America was being mocked by the CON DEM party.. and the Con man in the Green sweat suit. 

Just last week, Ukrainian Zelensky banned the ENTIRE ORTHODOX UKRAINIAN CHURCH.. (see shorts on Tucker or UTUBE of the Ukrainian church's response. no translation needed).. as threw his "political dissidents" in prison..  said we will all be able to Celebrate Christmas now.. after America forks over yet mo' money BILLIONS of dollars which of course as he claimed will be used to SAVE UKRAINE and the WORLD. So, here we are again,, SAVING THE WORLD,, with free American Tax dollars. Con Dems hiding the monies which are included in the 1.7 TRILLION dollar con job.. on our nation's future children .. let's not even mention that: ON US, right here and right now. We are BROKE as Nation.. the Southern Border a full blown INVASION STYLE crises of proportions which equal the level of a War time "population" movement from South America filled with illegals from all over the World now that all the prisons have been emptied out of all our enemies. yes enemies.. and they just keep on coming. As a Christian I do recognize the HORRIFIC humanitarian crises at our Border, and in that Boondoogle Bill.. specifically no money for our Southern Border, but money was actually included to "beef up" and maintain borders in Nations like Libya.. what..did I hear that right?.. middle eastern countries and foreign aid.. pork barrel and pet projects w/Zero Oversight.. may as well give them the Pallet full of cash. Enough of that.. it is the day before the night before Christmas: The Good News is that Christ was born, and as Revelation 1 6 says: First Born of the dead and sits in judgement over the "Kings" and leaders of the world. That is where my faith and confidence lay; not with Con men and women.. or Uni-party.. who should be ashamed of themselves.. but like the Jude says in the New Testament: these people have no shame, lovers of themselves. and for sure DO NOT GIVE ONE CARE for the American people. I wish I could write a more positive post but.. the important part for those who know and love the Lord: know that He is faithful and HIS WORD has been fulfilled. HOLD ON TIGHT TO YOUR FAITH,, spend time with your family, the Bible and Peace and Joy will be manifested through His WORD. Merry Christmas.. and Blessed New Year. 2023

Have the BEST Christmas.. and Blessed New Year.. xoxo "Izzy".. Isabella..

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