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Friday, September 2, 2016

George Carlin on Global Warming

George Carlin on Climate Change. I said the same thing and I never heard this before. He is considered a liberal's liberal but he really understood the hypocrisy of the Save the Planet.. that is so funny "just another failed mutation" and the planet will shake us off like fleas, surface nuisance.. I saw this on #OAN. I had to share it.. no wonder EVERYONE loved George Carlin. The earth plus plastic.. totally funny

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hillary Freezes

 Watch very closely the Secret Service man holds the Pen and her seizure from both sides.. that  was not joke,, she was have some kind of seizure.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Isabell on Trump: He is presumptive nominee and I am going with it.. BEFORE INDIANA

So when I find the photos of Julie Carey and also of me at the Convention.. which could be next year at the rate I am going.. sigh.. :) and smile.. anyway.. :) I will post them.

Why under Science is Political? well I actually do and apply statistics.. on the back of th envelope and it was OBVIOUS to me.. that Trump was going to WIN the nomination and after the riots last night.. WOW Go on with your bad selves Bernie supporters. :)
And only Fox business news covered it: CNN and MSNBC and apparently Joe Biden.. business as usual as seen in the next photo taken simultaneously while the non-riot was going on outside the Philadelphia convention center.
YEP, if that wasn't a Media blackout.. and then Alex Jones posted some U-tubes of the Bernie/BlackLivesMatter/GreenParty


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

ClintonGate: #NoHillary2016

Tidbits about the Clintons #NoBillary2016

After hearing that Hillary Clinton had the unmitigated gall to call out Trump on his so called Trump University Scandal  I thought I would do a little digging,, and it did take long..I had a list called the Clinton Hitlist on my computer but apparently someone else keeping tabs on the Clinton's has compiled and updated for Inquiring Minds!
So taking a couple tidbits from the Arckancide website I thought I would cut and paste some egregious examples of Team Clinton & Associates with no chronological order. More like the Top Ten examples of their actions which no one could possible make up or justify:
 The Clinton "body count"

Quoting: "
By Michael Rivero

"Dear Sir," began Monica Lewinsky's somewhat peevish letter of July 3rd, 1997. In it, according to the recently released report by Kenneth Starr, the former intern chided the president for failing to secure for her a new White House job, and hinted that continued stalling would result in word of their affair leaking out.
The next day, Monica confronted Bill Clinton in an Oval Office meeting she described as "very emotional"; a meeting which ended when the president warned her, "It's illegal to threaten the president of the United States."
Three days later, another former White House intern, Mary Mahoney, was shot five times in the back of the Georgetown Starbuck's she managed. Two of her co-workers were also killed. Even though cash remained in the register, the triple murder was quickly dismissed as a botched robbery. No suspects have ever been arrested.

Washington's post article on Mahoney slaying 1997
click on that link to see the article that was published.
The connection was that Mary Mahoney knew about Lewinsky's trysts with Bill Clinton, U.S President...
Mary Mahoney, Vince Foster et al explained

Mysteriously a lot links on the "Arkancide" are broken since it was compiled by an ordinary shlub.. who is now hiding with Sam Spade..however..thank heavens a news station compiled a list of donors that not even LEFT wing Snopes can dispute:
24 DONORS who gave to the Clinton Foundation

this one is so awesome I will give it a blog to itself.. enjoy..  #NoBillary2016fans