Monday, October 24, 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022
#WASHINGTONPOST #WAPO needs to die in darkness: #TIKTOK CONTROVERSY "comments closed"
Opinion | TikTok abortion debate divides Generation Z. Viral videos show how. - Washington Post
Washington Post or WAPO... or as I called Washingto Pravda.. for YEARS has actually gone LEFT of the PRAVDA and in fact now moved so far to the left it is back to facist right. I read this article and I am not actually interested the in TIKTOK abortion debate: CHINA OWN TIKTOK but what I thought was especially disconcerting, politely put was the article written by
Yan Wu - The Washington Post YAN Data visualization, news app development, WebGL, 3-D modeling
Education: Northeastern University
Languages spoken in addition to English: Chinese.. HER BIO
In this co written article she opines how "we" (who is we again?) were taught about how the USA was a Bastian of freedom but now with Pro baby Killing at full term birth or partial abortion rights "overturned" by Roe V Wade,, before she ever was born.. and I was a young woman.. at that time.. it was partially appropriate given the circumstances. (my background Christian, Life Scientist).
So Ms Wu.. who was educated in the United States.. who apparently is PRO ABORTION up to the date of birth, unless she states otherwise COMES FROM COMMUNIST CHINA WHO ABORTS BABY GIRLS. I think that says it all. If Ms Wu would like to sit down with herself and examine the complete self contra diction she just stated in writing, she may need a couple months to ponder that. In China she may have been one of the LUCKY BABY GIRLS KILLED UPON BIRTH, so I will give her that.. she is alive and well and in the United States and is repeating the CHINESE PARTY LINE.. WOW.
PUBLIC SERVICE award? for what country? CHINA?
Have a nice day Ms. Wu.. if you are really interesting in understanding and assimilating into the USA start with the Presbyterian Church, there a many Chinese Americans, brilliant analysts there.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Giorgia Meloni makes her first victory speech after becoming first Woman Prime Minister in Italy
As a woman of Italian American descent I do keep track of European Politics because I am a dual citizen with Germany by my mother. My father was first generation Italian. I don't normally keep track of Italian politics until it makes headlines. Ms. Meloni's election as Prime Minister took me by surprise because I have been focused on American and local issues here in VA as well as the hurricane in Florida. As a Geopolitical and European watcher where the origins of fascism, communism and other Godless concepts flow from as well as the Catholicism, Lutheranism, Marxism. since America's founding was in fact detach from these deeply rooted antipathies to create a Constitutional Republic, whose founding is based on natural rights as codified in our founding documents.THAT SAID: when I scrolled through the UTUBE page announcing her WIN as Prime Minister, disturbingly and almost WITHOUT EXCEPTION the European and World wide reporting agencies actually sunk to new lows linking her to far right, discarded concepts and people. The SCATHING ATTACK ON HER should be condemned by all free thinking and Christian. Listening to this NONSENSE about her HARD LINE VIEWS on family and sex, abortion is totally horrific: SHAME ON THE LEFT WING FACIST LEFT.. it is they who have the hard line ANTI WOMEN, CHILDREN, MAXIST VIEWS which they constantly accuse anyone all people who disagree with them. I am sure it would be shocking for them to realize that even devout and believing Muslims disgree with the hard line stance of abortion on demand and the concept that God is Dead, long live SECULAR MAN.
I will quote from Wikileaks as above her positions on traditional Catholic, Christian and family value issues as well as Pro Italian (and there is nothing wrong with Italians wanting the best for Italy, which includes eliminating China's Godless positions (exceptions of course). Before I quote her I would like to point out, having been reared by a European that even the most "so called RIGHT WING European is a Centrist by any other name in the United States.
"She describes herself as a Catholic Christian and a conservative, and claims to defend "God, fatherland, and family". She is opposed to abortion, euthanasia, and to partnerships, marriages, and parenting by same-sex couples, saying that nuclear families are exclusively headed by male–female pairs. Opposed to the reception of non-European migrants and multiculturalism, she has been accused of xenophobia and Islamophobia. A supporter of NATO, she maintains Eurosceptic views regarding the European Union,".. (from Wikileaks).
She has a very Catholic Christian point of view. She supports Nato and the EU.. so that answers the "far right" argument, no she is not far right. W/regard to xenophobia,, so be it! I am sure Sweden and France now dealing with Islamic NO GO ZONES. and Germany as well when millions of Islamic males moved (migrated) to the European nations and refuse to assimilate and instead created their own mini states within a state or country very similar to Ilhan Omar who somehow manages to hang onto her seat despite her lack of assimilation and condemnation of America remains in office.
Multiculturism is unacceptable and is NOT part of the vision for any country ever, and is not Xenophobic. America's enemies do not allow for Multiculturism in THEIR COUNTRIES but they do understand its use in destroying America. WE have a culture: AMERICANA since 1776.
back to Italy: ITALY has an ancient culture as well and Italians want to keep their culture and foster assimilation within its borders, just as any country does. (despite Chinese there now)
SHAME ON THEM, because what they are really condemning is her love of Italy and her faith.
CNBC, NBC, CBS, FAR Right Italian PM elected .. same old worn out echo chamber
PBS: right wing PM raises European concerns* (LEFT WING MARXIST FACIST CONCERNS)* (my note)
France 24: All fears lead to ROME .. (what about those NO GO Zone? surrounding Paris?) Oh really, Macron. how about that beg for energy from Biden rot? how is that for fear? All fears lead to Green non Energy solutions.. yeah and bogus Climate change which could leave EUROPE in the dark this winter.
CONGRATULATIONS, Giorgia!! Ciao Bella.. Go GET em Girlfriend. GRAZI
Keeping you in my prayers from one Italian to another xoxoo Isabella
Saturday, September 24, 2022
COVID-19 Green Crystals: Don’t Call Them ‘Death Crystals! to post from ASCP now disappeared!!!
These blue-green inclusions were originally reported in patients with hepatic injury and failure. Researchers are now finding these crystals can occur in patients with tissue injury other than liver, and in patients with multi-organ failure." ORGAN FAILURE, TISSYE INJURY OR MULTI ORGAN FAILURE.
During this pandemic, ASCP has created a COVID-19 Resources web page where you can find the latest resources, articles and other updates on the coronavirus to help you fight this virus and improve patient care. Check it out at ,, SO the ASCP (woke, of course.. as most all medical orgs are now days) goes on to invite Med Techs, Doctors, any practitioners to CHECK IT OUT.
POOR OLD BECKY. I did quick search and she apparently has a new job and wishes she never wrote that .. I am guessing, that is why these first reports are so important: not tainted by the MEDICAL WOKE PUNDITS.
Anyway. I go on to say to him (he is PHD and M.D.) and we worked in the same lab years ago, here goes what I said back then.. and I wanted to capture it: since a lot of what I said has BEEN WIPED OUT.
Quoting myself. lol
When I first heard about it,, I starting keeping track of it.. the Chinese Scientist who was killed.. in December, I got off of Twitter which does have interesting stuff on it but there are almost no real scientists.. JUST A BUNCH OF NEWS JUNKIES who don't understand the difference between RNA, a single stranded virus, DNA the Helix, mRNA and when you mention the word retrovirus their eyes glaze over....
someone sent me the (sic) Adrian Bon paper.. included above in Word.. which has been De platformed (the New Age way of saying "CENSORED".. which is totally unacceptable.. or perhaps you agree that a NON SCIENTIST who did not pass Bio 101 has the right to CENSOR Science?...
and OH BY THE WAY.. I posted the Dr Van Paper. (which I included on SCRIBD..which is a PAID SERVICE.. free speech and books, all kinds of interesting topics.. from BIG FOOT to Archeology.. and it was REMOVED.. SO THIS IS CENSORSHIP and Science.. should never be censored by idiots who couldn't pass Organic Chemistry or define Avegadro's number.. or spell RIBONUCLEAIC ACID without spell check. ..
I go on to say: Down and dirty version of what happened: again for you.. what happened:
the Chinese found a way to either "synthesize" a sequence or a nucleotide.. found in the SARS Virus (the Genome was out there) and then "cut" or as I called it CRSPERD into a site.. which was around the 8G.. or something like that don't make me read it again, INSERTED This.. into the RNA SARS virus and BOOM: the created a SARS COVID 19 CHIMERIC TEMPLATE.. which is "apparently" what allowed or caused the SARS COVID 19 to transmute or transform into a CHIMERIC ZOONOTIC RNA NOVEL VIRUS... and evidentially the Chinese found a way to reproduce it.. just like WE used to make tons of RNA VIRUSES.. grow them and then get the reverse transcriptase measurements..\\ IT IS NOT LIKE AIDS at all except that it is an RNA VIRUS. (I don't believe like the crazies think that "we" created AIDS. I believe it was in some kind form in nature and mutated or adapted.The South Koreans.. already knew about it,, as they have spies in there.. (I know this for a fact).. if it is "naturally occurring".. as in existing in nature; they then cloned it or created a synthetic copy into the SARS COVID .. this would make it easier to create a Vaccine.. because as you well know Human beings have been exposed to ALL KINDS OF VIRUSES including the coronavirus which is naturally occurring in cats and bats.. and it makes PERFECT sense for the Chinese to have that Wuhan lab near an open market.. so they can collect samples. I know you have traveled internationally.. and xxxxx went to China.. but when I was in England,, I saw them roasting chickens in the open air and selling them to people on the street.
However.. out of courtesy I wear a mask.. but when I am really serious.. I bring and wear gloves.. and wear them in public.