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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola news deciphered: Vaccine developedment; the scientist who predicted it; the Reston outbreak and related Ebola trends.

This is a quick explanation of what how the Ebola vaccine is being made: quoting from the wiki article 'VSV-EBOV is an experimental vaccine for the Ebola filovirus, developed by scientists at the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory.[1][2] VSV-EBOV is based on the vesicular stomatitis virus, which has been genetically engineered to express Ebola glycoproteins so as to provoke an immune response against real Ebola virus"
The Walter Reed army doctor just said that they were going to use the Vesicular stomatitis virus which will have a 'live" piece of the Ebola virus which will then 'trick the body into thinking it has Ebola. It will be a double blind study on 39 people.
Double blind means that neither the patient or the investigators will know who got the a 'real" vaccine dose and which patient got a placebo; additionally the dosage levels of the 'test' vaccines' will are lower at first; then the patient 'antibody' response to the vaccine will be tested by taking blood and checking the titer or immune response such as Gamma Globulins (example only, that is what I got when I had an RNA live rat virus vial explode and hit m e in the forehead)

About the Universal Precautions used in hospitals; those are standard "precautions' used in all hospitals to prevent 'disease' transmission or what is known in medical jargon as "nosocomial infections'...these are not adequate and never have been to treat a world class lethal virus like Ebola. In fact, there are four Strains of Ebola known and yes one of the strains the Zaire strain has been documented to be airborne.
"The team, comprised of researchers from the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, the University of Manitoba, and the Public Health Agency of Canada, observed transmission of Ebola from pigs to monkeys. They first inoculated a number of piglets with the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus. Ebola-Zaire is the deadliest strain, with mortality rates up to 90 percent. The piglets were then placed in a room with four cynomolgus macaques, a species of monkey commonly used in laboratories. The animals were separated by wire cages to prevent direct contact between the species. - See more at:"

NO EBOLA PATIENT should be treated in a regular hospital. Having worked in class 4 biohazard laboratory the precautions are EXTRAORDINARY. EVER.
Dr Friedan of the CDC is totally wrong about not stopping all flights from hot zones.
Even the African nations have put in total stop to flights asap. Also remember the RESTON outbreak. I can't believe no one mentioned that back when it happened.

Ok get your Nitrogen/Wescadyne masks out and use Lysol on your house filters.

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