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Sunday, July 25, 2021

David Baltimore speaks on HITTING PAUSE and in my opinion STOP on editing the INHERITABLE HUMAN GENOME 

Let’s Hit ‘Pause’ Before Altering Humankind

Two Nobel laureates on gene technology capable of making changes that are heritable by generations to come.

quoting the article above. I post this on a Sunday morning because I was watching NK or Japanese TV which aired a hard hitting documentary on the Chinese are doing with the Human Genome.. I don't want to say: I TOLD YOU SO, but I am... saying that. Last year when the Wuhan virus was "leaked" from China I posted that in fact the Chinese "crspered".. (see article) or edited the Human Genome.. and had in fact created a CHIMERIC version of the Virus.. and guess what.. the show stated that in fact is what has been going for years now. 
I found this on the internet and posted it on FACEBOOK.. whose Bots don't understand what I am posting and neither do the so called young scientists who challenged me both on Facebook and on LinkedIn who said you don't know what I am talking about: NO IT IS THEY WHO DON'T understand Basic Science and what a Chimera is and why it is the key to understanding how and now we know WHY the Chinese are doing this.. all revealed by the Japanese who aired PLAYING GOD, Editing the Building Blocks of Life. 

The Chinese scientists are "attempting" to selectively breed HUMANS and their justification is to level the Human playing field .. and it is not fair that some Human beings.. and I am quoting are born disabled .. or less talented or gifted: that is called Selective Breeding and from what I saw it is a Redux of the Nazi Germany breeding of the UberMan or superman. 

For those educated in Genetics and Molecular Biology (me) this is an easy conclusion to understand.. which is why I posted from Day one .. after I saw the VAN report.. which I posted on SCRIBED.. and also the deplatformed Adrian Bond report on the Wuhan Lab. 

Enough for now.. have a BLESSED SUNDAY.. and remember: God is Alive and HE is SOVEREIGN. 

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