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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fighting For Our Lives: Mental health professionals, therapists especially...

Fighting For Our Lives: Mental health professionals, therapists especially...: Mental health professionals, therapists especially, need to be aware that the US Department of Justice campaign against Medicare fraud has t...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dream recorded about The Lord that I had August 13th, 1989: Vision of the an anti-Christ figure and future.

8/13/1989 THE DREAM of the Lord


Sunday morning, (a few hours ago) I awoke at 5:30 AM because of the most amazing dream I’ve ever had- (one of the most, no the most) Here it is: (the best of my recollection).

I was talking to my mother (like my mother—but not really my mom) about a play that reminded me of Oedipus Rex—the drama and the proportions etc. We were in a large coliseum-like area;

---- suddenly we were in a large meeting room, I believe we walked in the crowd.

This meeting room was like, or had the proportions of a high school gym—very high ceilings, it was light colored.  Filing into the room were men, women and children, many people; there were tables scattered everywhere and then some pew areas,--now I get it, probably a church of some type or government building.

At any rate, the people were horrible & covered with blood, as if a mad painter had daubed them, even the children. On my way into the building I saw exhibits of human heads with knives plunged into the skulls, colored in electric blue. Most of the people reminded me of punk rocker type people.

I saw the leader take his seat. He was very ordinary looking, medium chestnut brown hair, kind of looked like Clint Eastwood but not as handsome. He started to speak to the people---all the blood-covered people.

As soon as he spoke, I was immediately lifted into the air; a male deep voice came out my mouth, (it didn’t feel like me). As I was l floating above the crowd, it seemed as if only certain people heard what I said—which is something like the following:



“YOU PEOPLE ARE UNREPENTITENT SINNERS AND….” (I also noticed during that many people left as if they didn’t hear me (the voice) and only a few people heard and reacted to the name of Jesus Christ)

Anyway, I woke up, and I can’t write more.


Isabella Gudrun Kempf Hale: My comment is when I was lifted into the air in my dream it was like my spirit moved faster than the speed of light with huge power physically. I was sick that day as well. I have had other dreams of the voice of God but nothing like this one, since then or ever.
This is the way the DREAM was exactly the morning I woke up and wrote it down, August 13, 1989.

 I still have the original hand written version of this on old computer paper and this is still to this day one of the most amazing dreams I have had; and I have had many dreams about the Lord but nothing like this. In 1989, my mother was still alive, my brother died in November of that year and my mother died in Feb of 1990.
I believe it was to give me faith in the Lord Jesus so I would not live in fear of the world. The Bible tells us that God is alive; a living God. I have other dreams that I may publish one day, but I thought it was time to publish that one, especially since I have been so sick lately and I wanted to make sure that in case anything happened, like I were to be called home during surgery or any of the upcoming tests that I am facing, I mean medical tests, or maybe otherwise, only God knows that I did share this other believers or anyone else who has ears to hear or eyes to see. :)
March 24, 2015
The double entendre or is this the truth and nothing but the truth? Justice is truly blind. It took a lifetime to realize what that REALLY meant.
 I trying acupuncture before I go 'medical' having worked the field for over 30 years which shows one how much faith I have in current medicine and I am leaving out the politics for now.


 IT AIN'T WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT.. the hokey pokey that is.. but we can all wish.



Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola news deciphered: Vaccine developedment; the scientist who predicted it; the Reston outbreak and related Ebola trends.

This is a quick explanation of what how the Ebola vaccine is being made: quoting from the wiki article 'VSV-EBOV is an experimental vaccine for the Ebola filovirus, developed by scientists at the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory.[1][2] VSV-EBOV is based on the vesicular stomatitis virus, which has been genetically engineered to express Ebola glycoproteins so as to provoke an immune response against real Ebola virus"
The Walter Reed army doctor just said that they were going to use the Vesicular stomatitis virus which will have a 'live" piece of the Ebola virus which will then 'trick the body into thinking it has Ebola. It will be a double blind study on 39 people.
Double blind means that neither the patient or the investigators will know who got the a 'real" vaccine dose and which patient got a placebo; additionally the dosage levels of the 'test' vaccines' will are lower at first; then the patient 'antibody' response to the vaccine will be tested by taking blood and checking the titer or immune response such as Gamma Globulins (example only, that is what I got when I had an RNA live rat virus vial explode and hit m e in the forehead)

About the Universal Precautions used in hospitals; those are standard "precautions' used in all hospitals to prevent 'disease' transmission or what is known in medical jargon as "nosocomial infections'...these are not adequate and never have been to treat a world class lethal virus like Ebola. In fact, there are four Strains of Ebola known and yes one of the strains the Zaire strain has been documented to be airborne.
"The team, comprised of researchers from the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, the University of Manitoba, and the Public Health Agency of Canada, observed transmission of Ebola from pigs to monkeys. They first inoculated a number of piglets with the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus. Ebola-Zaire is the deadliest strain, with mortality rates up to 90 percent. The piglets were then placed in a room with four cynomolgus macaques, a species of monkey commonly used in laboratories. The animals were separated by wire cages to prevent direct contact between the species. - See more at:"

NO EBOLA PATIENT should be treated in a regular hospital. Having worked in class 4 biohazard laboratory the precautions are EXTRAORDINARY. EVER.
Dr Friedan of the CDC is totally wrong about not stopping all flights from hot zones.
Even the African nations have put in total stop to flights asap. Also remember the RESTON outbreak. I can't believe no one mentioned that back when it happened.

Ok get your Nitrogen/Wescadyne masks out and use Lysol on your house filters.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Full Moon in Alexandria

well. I need to work on my camera..

Saturday, August 9, 2014

EBOLA OUTBREAK IN AFRICA: Short version: do not panic this is not going to hit the U.S.A. OOPS I DIDN't ANTICIPATE THE STUPIDITY OF THE CDC and Yobama

Having worked with live viruses and in particular live RNA directed viruses, I want to make this easy as possible; but feel free to Google: Ebola strains and variants. Also there was mini outbreak of the Ebola strain in Virginia a little while ago.

Ebola is a RNA based virus that lives and requires a very specific environment and host; human beings who are accidentally exposed to that host or that environment can become infected; the fact of the matter just like the Hepatitis B and C and even Polio which are RNA viruses, along with Swine flu is the we know that humans are exposed to these viruses but it actually clears the body and people don't even know they have had it. The reason there is no vaccine is that there are FOUR variant strains which have different hosts and environments. Genetically, Ebola does not have much to work with; it mutates, short lived and it must be in the right host and environment, if not it simply dies out, which is why there are so reservoirs in vector species which are contacts with humans all the time, example Bats.

The idea of an Ebola Vaccine will not WORK because there are four variations and no one has found the "antibody" serum that will work against it in human beings; and even if they could somehow figure that out it would cost a couple billion dollars. and guess what? We need to conserve our research money for AMERICAN diseases--not exotic diseases in micro reservoirs in West Africa where the hygiene is egregious as well we are not sure about their food sources. So forget that idea right now.

The two Americans who were sent here were treated with the extremely small experimental treatment serum that we have in this country that were used in primate experiments where antibody serum was derived from primates deliberately exposed to Ebola. SEE article.

If you have more questions.. just read about the mini outbreak

For more about the outbreak in Virginia, US, see Reston virus.

Cases of ebola fever in Africa from 1979 to 2008.
Ebola virus was first isolated in 1976 during outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Zaire[123] and Sudan.[124] The strain of Ebola that broke out in Zaire has one of the highest case fatality rates of any human virus, roughly 90%.[125]
The name of the disease originates from one of those first recorded outbreaks in 1976 in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of the Congo (then Zaire), which lies on the Ebola River.[123]
While investigating an outbreak of Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV) in November 1989, an electron microscopist from USAMRIID discovered filoviruses similar in appearance to Ebola in tissue samples taken from crab-eating macaque (these are primates, monkeys) imported from the Philippines to Hazleton Laboratories Reston, Virginia.[126] Blood samples were taken from 178 animal handlers during the incident.[127] Of those, six animal handlers eventually seroconverted. When the handlers did not become ill, the CDC concluded that the virus had a very low pathogenicity to humans.[128]  
In 1990, Hazelton Research Products' Reston Quarantine Unit in Reston, Virginia, suffered a mysterious outbreak of fatal illness among a shipment of crab-eating macaque monkeys imported from the Philippines. The company's veterinary pathologist sent tissue samples from dead animals to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where a laboratory test known as an ELISA assay showed antibodies to Ebola virus.
Shortly afterward, a US Army team headquartered at USAMRIID went into action to euthanize the monkeys which had not yet died, bringing those monkeys and those which had already died of the disease to Ft. Detrick for study by the Army's veterinary pathologists and virologists, and eventual disposal under safe conditions.
The Philippines and the United States had no previous cases of Ebola infection, and upon further isolation, researchers concluded it was another strain of Ebola, or a new filovirus of Asian origin, which they named Reston ebolavirus (REBOV) after the location of the incident.[129]
Some scientists also believe that the Plague of Athens, which wiped out about a third of its inhabitants during the Peloponnesian War, may have been caused by Ebola. However, these studies are conflicting, and point to other possible diseases such as typhoid.[130]]

A note on the above article.. a macaque is a primate, like a monkey,, and I just wanted to also say the term "sero-converted means that they produced "antibodies'" to  the Ebola-like virus, (called here Filovirus because it causes hemorrhagic fever and other related taxonomic features, look it up).. but sero-conversion means that that they GOT WELL,, or as we say, the virus cleared their body because enough antibodies were produced in one's own body to get rid of the viruses and over time they were well; like I said when I started this article.

So, even though I hope that "super special antibody antidote is healing the American Doctor and the missionary, and I would have chosen to get it as well, it maybe that they are clearing it naturally. Just like with the so called swine flu pandemic, the symptoms were so mild many people had it and it was just a "light flu" and other people got it and reacted severely to the same flu.

While I am on the topic since I haven't been on Science is Political or posted for a while; I just recently found out that because of the Human Genome project it has been found that while some people get Hepatitis A and B; naturally "clear" or sero-convert (I had to get the immunization because I worked in a hospital where I handled blood directly from patients) but there is a Genetic reason why! which I can't find right now.

I just thought, since I got my "new glasses".. so I can work on line for a little longer than usual on one of my favorite topics: Science. Ok.. later.