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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Alex Berenson full speech at CPAC on Censorship, Big Tech Tyranny, and F... #TWITTERCANCELLED #SCIENCE

As Fox News notes, Berenson wrote in a December op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that the pandemic had ushered in a "new age of censorship and suppression."

"Information has never been more plentiful or easier to distribute. Yet we are sliding into a new age of censorship and suppression, encouraged by technology giants and traditional media companies. As someone who’s been falsely characterized as a coronavirus ‘denier,’" he wrote, adding "I have seen this crisis firsthand."

When he wrote the Op-Ed, Berenson had been in a recent battle with Amazon over his self-published books.

"Since June, Amazon has twice tried to suppress self-published booklets I have written about Covid-19 and the response to it," he wrote. "These booklets don’t contain conspiracy theories. Like the scientists who wrote the Great Barrington Declaration, I simply believe many measures to control the coronavirus have been damaging, counterproductive and unsupported by science."

While Berenson's Saturday night Substack post alluded to a lawsuit against Twitter, attorney Preston Byrne thinks it's a long shot.

Berenson's full speech - where he slams big tech for controlling narratives and censoring divergent opinions, is (for now), below:

Monday, August 23, 2021

Sunday, July 25, 2021

David Baltimore speaks on HITTING PAUSE and in my opinion STOP on editing the INHERITABLE HUMAN GENOME 

Let’s Hit ‘Pause’ Before Altering Humankind

Two Nobel laureates on gene technology capable of making changes that are heritable by generations to come.

quoting the article above. I post this on a Sunday morning because I was watching NK or Japanese TV which aired a hard hitting documentary on the Chinese are doing with the Human Genome.. I don't want to say: I TOLD YOU SO, but I am... saying that. Last year when the Wuhan virus was "leaked" from China I posted that in fact the Chinese "crspered".. (see article) or edited the Human Genome.. and had in fact created a CHIMERIC version of the Virus.. and guess what.. the show stated that in fact is what has been going for years now. 
I found this on the internet and posted it on FACEBOOK.. whose Bots don't understand what I am posting and neither do the so called young scientists who challenged me both on Facebook and on LinkedIn who said you don't know what I am talking about: NO IT IS THEY WHO DON'T understand Basic Science and what a Chimera is and why it is the key to understanding how and now we know WHY the Chinese are doing this.. all revealed by the Japanese who aired PLAYING GOD, Editing the Building Blocks of Life. 

The Chinese scientists are "attempting" to selectively breed HUMANS and their justification is to level the Human playing field .. and it is not fair that some Human beings.. and I am quoting are born disabled .. or less talented or gifted: that is called Selective Breeding and from what I saw it is a Redux of the Nazi Germany breeding of the UberMan or superman. 

For those educated in Genetics and Molecular Biology (me) this is an easy conclusion to understand.. which is why I posted from Day one .. after I saw the VAN report.. which I posted on SCRIBED.. and also the deplatformed Adrian Bond report on the Wuhan Lab. 

Enough for now.. have a BLESSED SUNDAY.. and remember: God is Alive and HE is SOVEREIGN. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Back the future and blast from the past: I left a clue for myself. #BruceDePalma

 So I dug out my diaries which I scrupulously kept back when I was working for NIH/ Meloy labs working the RNA retroviruses with a brilliant group of young people: Patriots all .. :) and I ran across a notation that a friend of mine, Vi Garber now in his 80s, who is a retired physicist and also friend and former husband of my best friend.. nuff said on that. 

Casually I mentioned that I was reading a book by an author.. which I have ZERO recollection of reading.. who referred to Bruce De Palma who RIP .. had contacted Vi .. with regard to his N Machine. I would not have paid any attention to it other than I KNOW VI.. and apparently Bruce De Palma is the brother of Brian De Palma. All that rarefied air.! anyway I said WOW.. *this is the second time I met someone who is very famous and I didn't realize it at the time.. anyway I will post more on Bruce De Palma whose papers, patents and theories are based on Telsa's "free energy" which also was squashed by the SCIENCE COMMUNITY. I have had this blog .. SCIENCE IS POLITICAL for years because I experienced that in fact.. science is both political and now extremely polarized. As a scientist, I did learn that some of the greatest minds on this planet were of course rejected because they discovered something NEW.. and scientists are Zealots.. about their faith in Science. 

As a CHRISTIAN.. that is the reason I kept my journals was to remember when I came to know the LORD JESUS as my Lord and Saviour, Yeshua! and when I wrote them.. as a new Christian and I go back and read what I wrote.. I AM SHOCKED at what the Lord revealed to me.. back then and now I know that I have time capsule. I will post directly from my diary this week. (My computer has been off line.. I got hit by latest rounds of virus and other debris floating on out there on the Ethernet.. wow.. check out that double entendre..

Anyway. BRUCE DE PALMA. I am now aware and your work is still remembered.

Now that I turned ONE YEAR OLD AGAIN.. July 16, 2021.. yes do the math.. have a BEAUTIFUL DAY. :) still working on breaking the CODE.. but this is not the one anyone thinks it is.. :) good night beautiful fellow human beings who worship the LORD.. as for the rest of you.. OH WELL... 

mo later. Izzy.  JUST THINKING ABOUT BRIAN DEPALMA.. rip.. he actually may have been on to something: some of the "science so called kooks" there usually is a kernal of truth in there.


Hubble Space Telescope and working on some NOTHING IS NEW UNDER THE SUN from my diary.. Bruce De Palma more to come